Is travel insurance required to enter Jamaica? 

To visit Jamaica, international travelers need to sign up for the Jamaica Cares program.  As part of participating in the program, international travelers will be charged a fee that will be used to cover emergency medical services, such as medical treatment for Covid-19.  Also, foreign travelers must fill out a travel authorization form to gain entry into Jamaica. 

Why should you buy travel insurance to visit Jamaica? 

International travelers still need further protection when traveling to Jamaica than the Jamaica Cares Program can provide.  What if a hurricane struck while visiting?  What would you do?  For a fraction of your trip cost, you can add extra protection that can be vital in case of an emergency by purchasing a trip cancellation policy from Trawick International that provides a trip delay and trip interruption benefit. 

Do Trawick International trip cancellations plans cover COVID-19? 

Yes, most of our plans treat COVID-19 like any other sickness. 

Optional Cancel for Any Reason coverage: 

On select trip cancellation plans, Trawick International offers the hard to find Cancel for Any Reason (CFAR) benefit that provides reimbursement for 75% of the prepaid, nonrefundable, forfeited payments you paid for your trip if you cancel your trip for any reason not otherwise covered by this policy - like border closures or travel bans.  This coverage MUST be purchased with the initial policy and within 21 days of the initial trip deposit date, and the full, nonrefundable trip cost is insured. (This benefit is not available in every US state). 

How much does travel insurance cost? 

Depending on your age, trip cost, length of trip, and other factors will determine the cost of your insurance.  When purchasing a trip cancellation plane, we highly recommend that you include all non-refundable travel expenses so you can recover the investment in the event your trip is canceled or interrupted. 

When should I buy travel insurance? 

It is best to purchase travel insurance within 21 days of making your initial trip payment. The reason for this is so that you can get the most coverage possible.  This is especially true if you are interested in adding the CFAR benefit to your plan. You can still purchase travel insurance after 21 days, actually, you can buy a trip cancellation plan up to the day before departure, but you may not be eligible for time-sensitive benefits such as CFAR or Financial Default.